The Technology of Study from the Scientology Handbook артикул 5358c.
The Technology of Study from the Scientology Handbook артикул 5358c.

L Ron Hubbard supplied the first and only technology of how to study He discovered the laws on which learning is based and developed workable methods for anyone to apply He called this subject "Study Technology" This technology provides an understandin of the basics of learning and supplies exact ways to overcome all the pitfalls one оездн can encounter during study Study technology is not speed-reading or memory tricks These have not been proven to raise one's ability to comprehend what was studied or to aise literacy Study Technology shows how one studies in order to comprehend a subject so one can apply it Автор Лафайет Рон Хаббард Lafayett Ronald Hubbard Американский писатель и религиозный деятель, создатель "науки" дианетики и основатель Церкви Саентологии родился в г Тилден, штат Небраска Окончил университет Джорджа Вашингтона, а также Принстонский университет и университет Секвойя Первый рассказ.  Переводчик:Издательство: Bridge Pubns, 1994 г Мягкая обложка ISBN 0884049086.